About Us

The RCP's curriculum, program offerings, and instructional approach are guided by the following mission, vision, goal, and organizing principles.


Underlying all of the academic and externally funded projects based at the Interwork Institute, including the Rehabilitation Counselor Program, are the following mission and vision statements:

Interwork’s core mission is to enable individuals, organizations and communities to support, appreciate, and engage diverse members in community integration through education, research, and advocacy.


Our Vision is to accomplish through development of exceptional leaders in diverse educational and human service organizations using innovative and effective learner opportunities and cross-functional strategic alliances.


Prepare graduate trained rehabilitation counselors (qualified rehabilitation personnel) to provide vocational rehabilitation services which result in effective community adjustment with individuals with disabilities who are seeking, securing, and/or maintaining effective employment and community integration.

Six essential principles operationalize this Goal:

  1. The student shall assess his/her personal qualities and develop and implement an individual plan for growth and improvement.
  2. The student shall develop and demonstrate the effective interpersonal skills of a rehabilitation counselor.
  3. The student shall understand the effective administration of rehabilitation programs from a humanistic and cost-effective perspective.
  4. The faculty shall develop and implement curriculum that is relevant and applicable to current and future individual and community needs for individuals with severe disabilities;
  5. The faculty shall encourage professional growth in each student related to the rehabilitation process through research, clinical experiences, participation in selected professional conferences and workshops, and didactic learning; and
  6. The faculty and students shall emphasize, through modeling and student/faculty interaction, that implementation of the rehabilitation process for individuals with severe disabilities involves mutual growth and continuous effort and evaluation.

Given the continuous success of the graduates, this Goal has remained constant since 1972.