Yasemin Turan-Qian, Ph.D.

Yasemin Turan-Qian

Associate Professor
Department of Special Education



Primary Email: yturan@sdsu.edu


Primary Phone: 619-594-4318
Fax: 619-594-6628


North Education - 86
Mail Code: 1170


For advising, request appointment by email at least 24 hours in advance.

Yasemin Turan began her teaching career with elementary age children with hearing impairments in Turkey in the early 90s. In 1995, she took a nationwide exam and was awarded one of only two scholarships by the Turkish Ministry of Education to pursue graduate studies in the USA. She came to the USA as an international student in 1996 and received her Ph.D. in special education from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2004.  Dr. Turan worked as a Research Associate at UIUC for a year prior to coming to San Diego State in Fall 2005. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Special Education and coordinator of the Level I program in early childhood special education.

Dr. Turan’s research interests center on interventions that focus on the enhancement of language, social, and emotional development of young children with autism and other developmental disabilities, and the assessment of treatment acceptability. She also is interested in understanding international perspectives and approaches to educating children with developmental disabilities. Dr. Turan acquired both internal and external grants to conduct research in these areas. She recently co-authored a personnel preparation grant with Dr. Laura Hall, and was awarded funding from the U.S. Office of Special Education Programs to prepare early childhood educators to work with young children with autism. She is also actively involved in the BCBA certificate program.


  • Ph.D. (2004) Special Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
  • M.Ed (1999) Moderate and Severe Disabilities, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL
  • B. A. (1994) Special Education, Anadolu University , Eskisehir, Turkey


Selected Publications

  • Turan, Y., Erbas, D., & Kurkcuoglu, B. U. (in press) Turkish Special Education Teachers’ Reported Use of Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies: An Examination of the Variables Associated with Use. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.
  • Erbas, D., Turan, Y., Aslan, Y. G., & Dunlap, G (in press). Attributions for problem behavior as described by Turkish teachers of special education. Remedial and Special Education.
  • Drasgow, E., Lowrey, A., Turan, Y., Halle, J. W., Meadan, H. (2008). Peer-related social competence Interventions for young children with severe disabilities. In W. H. Brown, S. L. Odom, & S. R. McConnell (Eds). Social Competence of Young Children: Risk, Disability, & Intervention (p.p.273 299). Baltimore: Paul H Brookes.
  • Erbas, D., Turan Y., Ozen, A., &., Halle, J. W. (2006). The effect of adapted "CoverWrite" method to teach spelling and word naming to students with developmental disabilities. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities,41(4),357-364.
  • Turan, Y., Ostrosky, M. M., Halle J. W., & De Stefano, L (2004). Acceptability of language Interventions: A comparison of preschool and elementary teachers’ responses. Journal of Early Intervention, 26, 221-233.