Ph.D. Program in Education
Joint Program with Claremont Graduate University
The mission of the joint PhD Program in Education offered by San Diego State University and Claremont Graduate University is to develop scholars who are committed to research on democratic schooling, social justice, and equitable educational outcomes for all students. In addition, they seek the improvement of educational systems serving diverse communities.
Program Emphases: K12 Education and Equity and Higher Education/Student Affairs

Message from the Director: Dr. Marva Cappello
Welcome to the Joint PhD Program in Education offered by San Diego State University and Claremont Graduate University. If you are looking for a rigorous program that focuses on educational equity and social justice, our program is for you. Unlike some doctoral models that cohort classes, you will work with your advisors to create a unique program that best suits your needs and interests. This site offers information about the program, our cooperating universities and faculty, students and graduates, and news about upcoming events. Please let me know if you have additional questions.
JDP News
COE Stories: Doctoral student finds a calling in servant leadership
Brenna Leon examines academia with a critical lens as she looks to ensure BIPOC students have positive experiences in higher ed.
‘Doubly Affirming’: COE Doctoral Student, Faculty Advisor Both Named to AAHHE Board
Naomi Ramirez and Marissa Vasquez appointed by top national organization for Latinx in higher education.
No Ordinary Summer Vacation: Fulbright Recipient Spends Month in South Africa
JDP student Wesley Cox participates in U.S. Department of Education program that funds overseas projects in training, research and curriculum development.