California Career Innovations

CCI logoThe California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) is partnering with San Diego State University Interwork Institute (SDSU-II) to evaluate the effects and benefits of work-based learning experiences to prepare students with disabilities to enter post-secondary education (PSE) and obtain competitive integrated employment (CIE). DOR is the lead agency for the California Career Innovations Work-Based Learning Initiative (CCI). Collaborations will include Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) throughout California, led by Region Managers from the Vallejo Unified School District, California State University - Los Angeles, Riverside County Office of Education and San Diego Health Sciences High & Middle College. Students with disabilities throughout these regions, between ages 16-21, with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 plans will be identified to participate in this project. Greater investment in building and sustaining high-quality work-based learning (WBL) programs for high school students is essential if we expect our young people to learn about work, gain maturity and develop employability skills in non-school environments, make informed career choices, and succeed in their path toward training and careers (Alfeld et al., 2013). CCI will ensure a career relevant focus in the attainment of Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) and post-secondary education for students with disabilities.

Click to visit the CCi website