Research and Projects
Centers and Institutes
Center for Visual Literacies
The Center for Visual Literacies is committed to leveraging the potentials of visual texts in education.
The Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education brings together researchers studying how individuals acquire knowledge in math and science.
Center for Teaching Critical Thinking and Creativity (CTCTC)
The mission of Center for Teaching Critical Thinking and Creativity (CTCTC) is to advance performance and productivity in diverse communities by enhancing critical and creative thinking in schools. The Center’s rationale for enhancing creativity concerns society’s need for creative solutions as well as the individual’s personal growth and satisfaction.
Literacy Center
The mission of The SDSU Literacy Center is to facilitate research-based literacy experiences that empower K-12 students and educators.
Institute for Transformative Education (ITE)
The Institute for Transformative Education (ITE), formerly the Pre-College Institute, is a life-changing education organization. ITE provides an invaluable service to our communities’ multicultural low-income, underrepresented, and underserved students. We aim to provide access to educational and life resources to support students from elementary to college and career.
Projects & Initiatives
STEM Education
STEM Ed is an approach to education and learning that emphasizes an integrated interdisciplinary approach to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
The Mathematics/Science Teacher Initiative is a collaboration between the College of Education and the College of Sciences to support future math and science teachers.
Noyce Project LEARN
The multiple Noyce Project LEARN programs offer internships, scholarships, and fellowships for potential and practicing science educators.