Steps to Applying to SPED
Explore the steps you need to take to become a SPED student.
You have already taken the first step toward becoming a special education teacher. Information here will guide you in the additional steps necessary to successfully enter our program. In the field of special education, there are many job opportunities in California and throughout the United States — opportunities to make a positive difference in children's and family's lives.
A special educator teaches students with disabilities in a variety of settings — including pre-schools, k-12 schools, and the workplace. A well trained special educator works in partnership with families and other professionals, and advocates for individuals with disabilities. A special educator has select dispositions that make the teacher well rounded. More than this, a special educator's pedagogy is grounded in research.
- Plan to take required tests. You may be still in the process of taking tests as you go onto step 2, the application.
- You will need to complete both a Cal State Apply application and a program application. Find your program admissions page.
- Sit back and wait. Faculty consider applications shortly after scheduled deadlines. You will be contacted by the department as soon as a decision has been made.
Need guidance? Check the faculty page for coordinator contact information, or see the advising schedule.