Professional Development
Learn about the concept of "walking in 2 worlds."
Indigenous Americans come from cultures rich in traditional knowledge, survival, resilience, and healing.
Most Indigenous Americans experience "living in 2 worlds," that of their traditional or tribal culture and that of the dominant culture.
Although many other groups straddle two cultures, for Indigenous Americans, the differences across the 2 worlds are vast, encompassing differences in basic values, ways of being with one another, belief systems, as well as in languages and behaviors.
This biculturalism reflects and requires maintaining language, oral culture/traditions, and spirituality within a dominant society.
As school psychologists working with indigenous communities, it is critical to have a fundamental knowledge of the ecosystemic (micro/macro) factors that contribute to the current spiritual, social-emotional, cognitive, and physical needs and resilience of the youth, families, and communities, as well as that need to walk and live in "2 worlds."
Photo: Brent Toadlena (in Native American dress) and Kester Tapaha at SDSU Pow Wow