Example Courses
View a listing of sample courses offered by the program at both universities.
Offered at SDSU
- ED 801: Seminar on Social & Cultural Foundations of Multicultural Education
- ED 804: English Learner Education: Models, Current Research and Policy Trends
- ED 806: Ethnically Diverse Learners: Public Policy & Classroom Practice
- ED 810: Seminar in Curriculum Development & Implementation
- ED 820: Advanced Educational Statistics
- ED 822: Seminar in Analysis and Issues in Race and Ethnic Relations
- ED 823: Seminar in Action Oriented Policy Research in Multicultural Contexts
- ED 824: Seminar in Instructional Change in Multicultural Contexts
- ED 850: Seminar in Quantitative Methods of Inquiry
- ED 895: Variable Topics Seminar
Offered at CGU
- ED 407: Public Policy and America’s Schools
- ED 426: Social Capital, Cultural Capital, & Educational Opportunity
- ED 430: Cognitive Development and Education
- ED 432: Child Development
- ED 459: Historical and Philosophical Foundations of America’s Higher Education
- ED 462: Governance & Change in Higher Education
- ED 467: Quant 3: Applied Multivariate Analysis
- ED 581: Education of Immigrant Youth: Psychological Perspectives
- ED 584: Cultural Models of Education: International Perspectives