Program Requirements

The School Psychology Program is an integrated degree-and-credential program. When we refer to "program requirements" we are generally referring to the total requirements for both the degree and credential.

3 Sets of Requirements

There are, however, 3 sets of separate requirements:

  1. Degree requirements
  2. Credential requirements
  3. Specialty project requirements

While these 3 sets of requirements overlap, there are substantial differences:

The University Catalog is the guide to course requirements for the Ed.S. in School Psychology and the M.S. in School Psychology. The framework for course requirements reflect the NASP Domains of Practice.

The culminating experience for the M.S. degree is a seminar sequence (CSP 710A & 710B) devoted to application of single case research ("n of 1" or small group) used to evaluate the outcome or effectiveness of an evidence-based intervention.

During internship, students take a 2-semester seminar sequence (CSP 760/780) devoted to school-wide needs assessment, systems intervention, and evaluation of individual/small group intervention (academic and behavior) effectiveness.

There are 2 school psychology credentials:

  1. The School Psychology Internship Credential
  2. The Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Credential in School Psychology

Internship Credential requirements include:

  • Satisfactory completion of all coursework in the first 3 years of the program (i.e., “B” average and no course with grade below “B-”
  • Credit for 2 semesters of CSP 752 Seminar and Practicum in School Psychology
  • Completion of at least 500 hours of supervised field experiences in the schools
  • Passing the CBEST
  • Satisfactory evaluation and recommendation of your CSP 752 field supervisor
  • Formal recommendation of the school psychology faculty following review in the Internship Planning Conference.

Requirements for the PPS School Psychology Credential include:

  • Satisfactory completion of 1200 hours of internship with recommendation from your internship field supervisor
  • Satisfactory completion of the 2-semester seminar sequence concurrent with internship (i.e., CSP 710A/760)
  • Documentation of the integration of your competencies in your culminating portfolio
  • Recommendation of the internship university instructor and program director

Note: credential requirements exceed degree requirements.

Federal training grant projects associated with the School Psychology Program have required "specialty" courses and experiences. Students supported by these projects need to meet with their project director to clarify requirements.

Ongoing funding from the project is contingent on satisfactory progress toward meeting project requirements. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that all project requirements are met.

Specializations in Culture-Specific or Multicultural School Psychology

HIstorically, (since 1986) our program has enjoyed federal funding for personnel preparation projects focused on addressing educational equity for culturally and linguistically diverse students as well as for relevant training issues in our field. These projects have provided continuous funding and specializations across diverse areas: bilingual school psychology, foster youth, positive behavioral supports, and Native American education.  

Current Grant Projects: 

Sequence of Study

Required courses are listed in the Sequence of Study and described in the University Catalog.

Field Experiences

Learn about supervised field experience required for each of the 4 years of the program.

Special Circumstances

For information on variances from regular program requirements or a waiver on ED 690, see Special Circumstances.