Research and Projects

Learn about research and projects of the Department of Child and Family Development.

Center for Excellence in Early Development (CEED)

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CEED is a transdisciplinary, research-based, training facility with a holistic approach to supporting early childhood development, mental health, and early childhood education in San Diego county and beyond. CEED provides services through two interrelated branches:

Teaching and Guidance Policy Essentials Checklist


The Teaching and Guidance Essential Policies Checklist (TAGPEC) is a field-tested checklist to examine the quality of guidance policies in preschool through third grade classrooms. CFD faculty, Dr. Sarah Garrity and Dr. Sascha Longstreth, work with several graduate students to explore how evidence-based behavior guidance policies can be used to improve social and academic outcomes for young children.

PACS (Parents And Caregivers in Services) Lab

The mission of the PACS (Parents And Caregivers in Services) Lab is to improve services for diverse children, adolescents, and families served in community settings. Our lab focuses on promoting family participation and collaboration with child service providers and organizations.

BRIDGE Collaborative

The BRIDGE Collaborative is a group of community providers, parents, researchers, and funding agency representatives who work together to help families of infants and toddlers with communication disorders. They support the use of an evidence-based intervention program called Project ImPACT for Toddlers, which helps children ages 12-24 months and their families develop communication and social skills.