A historical record of publications associated with CEBER researchers.
Kang, R., Saunders, M., and Weinberg, K. (2021). Collaborative leadership as the cornerstone of community schools: Policy,
structures, and practice. UCLA Center for Community Schooling. https://
Kyle Weinberg is the vice president of San Diego Education Association and proudly organizes with 6000+ union educators in San Diego Unified School District. Dr. Weinberg earned his bilingual credential, special education credential and master's at SDSU and his doctorate at UCSD and CSUSM, where he studied the relationship between democratic decision-making, community-based learning and stakeholder leadership development at a dual language school in LAUSD.
Navarro Martell, M. A. (2021). Ciencias bilingües: How dual language teachers cultivate equity in dual language classrooms. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.
Hernandez, S. J. (2020). Centering raciolinguistic ideologies in two-way dual language education: The politicized role of parents in mediating their children's bilingualism. In N. Flores, N. Subtirelu, & A. Tseng (Eds.). Bilingualism for All? Raciolinguistic perspectives on Dual Language Education. Multilingual Matters.
Maldonado, S. I., Mosqueda, E., Bravo, M. A., & Solís, J. L. (2020). Assessing and teaching students’ biliteracy in mathematics: A professional development model. The Multilingual Educator, 36-39.
Sciurba, K., Hernández, S.J., & Barton, R. (2020). Humanizing the journey across the Mexico-U.S. border: Multimodal analysis of children's picture books and the restorying of Latinx (im)migration. Children's Literature in Education, 52(2):1-19.
Alfaro, C. (2019). Preparing critically conscious dual language teachers: Recognizing and interrupting dominant ideologies. Reimaging Dual Language Education in the U.S. Theory Into Practice Journal, 58 (2), 194-203. Taylor & Francis.
Alfaro, C., Hernandez, S., Maldonado, S.I., Hopkins, M., & Forbes, C. (2019). Formadores de docentes binacionales y bilingües: A focused teacher preparation program for students we share. California Department of Education. Report Here
Georges, A., Maldonado, S. I., & Uppal, H. K. (2019). Learning content, language, and culture in concert: The academic achievement, aspirations and social experiences of bilingual students at the end of middle school. NABE Journal of Research and Practice, 9(3-4), 166-180.
Hernández, A. & Alfaro, C. (2019). Naming and confronting the challenges of bilingual teacher preparation: A dilemma for dual language education in California. NABE Journal of Research and Practice. Taylor and Francis
Maldonado, S. I., & Machado-Casas, M. (2019). Sustaining the sociopolitical spirit of bilingual education: Assessment practices and evaluative policies for students minoritized by national background and English-language proficiency. In S. Keengwe & G. Onchwari (Eds.) Handbook of research on assessment practices and pedagogical models for immigrant students (pp. 1-17). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Mordechay, K. & Alfaro, C. (2019). The Binational Context of the Students We Share: What Do Educators on Both Sides of the Border Need to Know? Kappa Delta Pi Record 55:1, 30-35, DOI: 10.1080/00228958.2019.1549438
Alfaro, C. (2018). The sociopolitical struggle and promise of bilingual teacher education: Past, present and future. Bilingual Research Journal, 41(4), 413-427.
Alfaro, C., & Bartolomé, L.I. (2018). Preparing ideologically clear bilingual teachers to recognize linguistic geniuses. In B. Berriz, V. Poey, & A. Wager (Eds.), Arts as a way of talking for emergent bilingual youth: A foundation for literacy in K-12 schools (pp. 44– 59). NY: Routledge/Taylor and Francis.
Alfaro, C., & Hernández, A.M. (2018). Un autoanálisis crítico para docentes de la enseñanza bilingüe: Ideología, pedagogía, acceso y equidad (IPAE). RASE: Revista de la Asociación de Sociología de la Educación , 11(3) 487-496.
Esquinca, A., de la Piedra, M. T., & Herrera-Rocha, L. (2018). Hegemonic language practices in engineering design and dual language education. Association of Mexican American Educators Journal, 12(2), 44-68.
Herrera, F., Kovats Sánchez, G., Navarro Martell, M. A., & Zeldón, M. J. (2018). Latinx students in STEM college pathways: A closer look at the role of Hispanic serving institutions. In T. T. Yuen, E. Bonner, & M. G. Arreguín-Anderson (Eds.), (Under)represented Latin@s in STEM: Increasing participation throughout education and the workplace (p. 3-18). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
Maldonado, S. I., Georges, A., Puglisi, J., & Hernandez, M. M. (2018). Partnership
pathways in a two-way bilingual immersion program: From evaluation to constructing
capacity. NABE Perspectives, 41(2), 13-19.
Alfaro, C. (2017). Growing critically conscious bilingual educators. California Association for Bilingual Educators (CABE). The multilingual educator: Conference Edition , 17-21.
Alfaro, C., & Bartolomé, L. I. (2017). La claridad ideológica del maestro bilingüe: Un reto en la educación bilingüe de calidad. In M. Guerrero, L. Soltero-González, C. Guerrero, K. Escamilla (Eds.), Los fundamentos de la educación bilingüe. Albuquerque, NM: Fuente Press.
Alfaro, C., Cadiero-Kaplan, K., & Hernández, S.J. (2017). Migrant education and shifting consciousness: A cultural wealth approach to navigating politics, access, and equity. In M.E. Zarate & P. Perez (Eds.), Facilitating academic success for migrant farmworker students in the U.S. (pp. 94-112). Routledge.
Alfaro, C., Cadiero, K., & Ochoa, A. (2017). Teacher education and Latino emergent bilinguals: Knowledge, dispositions, and skills for critically conscious pedagogy. In P. Ramirez, C. Faltis, & E. de Jong, (Eds), Critical Teacher Education: Learning from Latino English Language Learners in K-12. New York, NY: Routledge.
Dabach, D., Suarez-Orozco, C., Hernández, S. J., & Brooks, M. D. (2017). Future perfect?: Teachers’ expectations and explanations of their Latino immigrant students’ postsecondary futures. Journal of Latinos and Education.
Hernández, S.J. (2017). Are they all language learners?: Educational labeling and raciolinguistic identifying in a middle school dual language program. CATESOL Journal, 29(1), 133-154.
Alfaro, C. (2016). Globally and critically conscious teachers: preparing teachers to engage the world. In D. Zimmerman (Ed), Global Teacher Education. Munster New York, Munchen, Berlin: Waxmann Press.
Alfaro, C. (2016). Increasing cultural awareness for teachers. In N. Li (Ed.), Teaching English language learners across the content areas: Issues and strategies (pp. 237-259). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Alfaro, C., & Bartolomé, L.I. (2016). Preparing ideologically clear bilingual teachers: Honoring working-class, non-standard language use in the bilingual education classroom. Special Edition: Bilingual teacher education. Issues in Teacher Education.
Alfaro, C., & Hernández, A. (2016). Ideology, pedagogy, access, and equity: A critical examination for dual language educators. California Association for Bilingual Educators (CABE). The multilingual educator: Conference Edition , 7-11.
Hernández, S. J. (2015). In what ways can school policies limit the authentic involvement of English Language Learners’/emergent bilinguals’ parents, and how can this be addressed? In Valdés, K. Menken, & M. Castro (Eds.), Common Core, bilingual and English language learners: A resource for educators (pp. 95-96). Caslon.
Ochoa, A. M. (2015). Recognizing inequality and the pursuit of equity: A legal and social equity framework. In A. Colón-Muñiz, & M. Lavadenz (Eds.), Latino civil rights in education: La lucha sigue (pp. 24-46). Routledge.
Alfaro, C., Durán, R., Hunt, A., & Aragón, M.J. (2014). Steps toward unifying Dual Language Programs, Common Core State Standards, and Critical Pedagogy. Association of Mexican American Educators Open Issue , 8(2), 17-30.
Baquedano-López, P., Hernández, S. J., & Alexander, R. A. (2014). Thinking through the decolonial turn in research and praxis in Latina/o parent involvement: Advancing new understandings of the home-school relation. In P.R. Portes, S. Salas, P. Baquedano López, & P. Mellom. (Eds.), U.S. Latinos and education policy: Research-based directions for change (pp. 16-34). Routledge.
Ochoa, A. M., Brandon, R. R., Cadiero-Kaplan, K., & Ramírez, P. C. (2014). Bridging bilingual and special education: Opportunities for transformative change in teacher preparation programs. Association of Mexican-American Educators (AMAE), 8(1), 72-82.
Alfaro, C. (2013). Project CORE: Common Core State Standards for English Learners: Retos y oportunidades. California Association for Bilingual Educators (CABE). The Multilingual Educator: Conference edition , 11-15.
Baquedano-López, P., Alexander, R. A., & Hernández, S. J. (2013). Equity issues in parental and community involvement in schools: What teacher educators need to know. Review of Research in Education, 37(1), 161-194.
Stillman, J., Anderson, L., Arellano, A., Wong, P., Avila, M., Alfaro , C. , & Struthers, K. (2013). Putting PACT in context and context in PACT: Teacher educators collaborating around program-specific and shared learning goals. Teacher Education Quarterly , 135-157.
Quezada, R. & Alfaro, C. (2012). Cutting to the Common Core: Moving pedagogic mountains. Language Magazine , 11(12), 19-22.
Baquedano-López, P. & Hernández, S.J. (2011). Language socialization across educational settings. In B. Levinson & M. Pollock (Eds.), A Companion to the anthropology of education (pp. 197-211). Wiley-Blackwell.
Cadiero-Kaplan, K., Lavadenz, M., & Armas, E. G. (2011). Essential elements of effective practices for English learners. Long Beach, CA: Californians Together.
Castellanos, O., Alfaro, C. , & Billings, E.S. (2011). Beyond the school walls: A critical action research study examining the perils and promises of critical teacher engagement. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy , 3(2), 59-81.
Alfaro, C. , & Quezada, R. (2010). International teacher professional development: teacher reflections of authentic teaching and learning experiences. Special Edition: Internationalization of teacher education. Teaching Education , 21(1), 47-59.
Rodriguez, A. J. (2010). Exposing the impact of opp(reg)ressive policies on teacher development and student learning. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 5(4), 923-940.
Alfaro, C. (2008). Global student teaching stories of significant experiences: A cultural and inter-cultural experience of difference. Multicultural Education , 15(4), 20-26.
Alfaro, C. (2008). Re-inventing teacher education: The role of deliberative pedagogy in the K-6 classroom. In Dienstfrey, H. (Ed.), Deliberation and the work of higher education:Democratic innovations for the classroom, the campus, and the community (pp.1-30 ). Dayton, OH: Kettering Foundation.
Alfaro, C. (2008). Teacher education examining beliefs, orientations, ideologies & practices. In L. Bartolome (Ed.), Ideologies in education: Unmasking the trap of teacher neutrality (pp. 231-241). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Alfaro, C. (2008). Preparing bilingual teachers: Developing culture and linguistic global competence. Revista Colombiana de Educación Bilingüe. The Colombian Journal of Bilingual Education , 2, 68-84.
Alfaro, C. & Quezada R. (2008). International teacher professional development: Teacher stories of authentic teaching and learning experiences. Journal of Teacher Educatio n, 21(1), 47-59.
Cadiero-Kaplan, K., & Rodriguez, J. L. (2008). The preparation of highly qualified teachers for English-language learners: Educational responsiveness for unmet needs. Equity & Excellence in Education, 41(3), 372-387.
Quezada R., & Alfaro, C. (2007). Biliteracy teachers’ self-reflections of their accounts while students are teaching abroad: Speaking from ‘the other side.’ Teacher Education Quarterly , 34(1), 95-113.
Quezada, R., & Alfaro, C. (2007). Developing biliteracy teachers: Moving toward cultural and linguistic global competence in teacher education. In Cushner, K. & Brennan, S. (Eds.), Intercultural student teaching: A bridge to global competence (pp.164-212). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Alfaro, C. (2006). Developing ideological clarity: A case study of teaching with courage, solidarity, and ethics. In Cadiero-Kaplan, K., Ochoa, A., Kuhlman, N., Olivos, E., & Rodriguez, J. (Eds.), The living work of teachers: Ideology and practice (pp. 41-68). Covina, CA: California Association for Bilingual Educators (CABE).
Alfaro, C., & Kuhlman, N. (2006). To be equal, you need to give them more. TESOL Essential Teacher. Complete Links , 3(1), 12-20.
Alfaro, C., & Kuhlman, K. (2005). The mainstream teacher teaching English Learners. TESOL Essential Teacher Complete Links , 2(3), 19-32.
Ochoa, A., & Alfaro, C. (2005). Diversity, language rights, and bilingual teacher credentialing. California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE). The multilingual educator: Conference Edition , 36-40
Alfaro, C. (2003). Transforming Teacher Education: Developing Ideological Clarity as a Means for Teaching with Courage, Solidarity and Ethics.
Ross, D. L., & Alfaro, C. (2003). The social and cultural context of national board certification: Teacher reflections on issues of representation. Issues in Teacher Education , 12, 19-34.
Cadiero-Kaplan, K. (2001). Literacy Ideology and Practice: Teachers' Beliefs and Practices for English Language Learners at the Secondary Level.
Ochoa, A. M. (1978). Bilingual desegregation: school districts' responses to the spirit of the law under the Lau vs. Nichols Supreme Court decision.