Curriculum & Degree Learning Outcomes

Degree Requirements

A minimum of 33-36 units to include:

Required Core Courses: 27 units)

  • ARP 610 - Educational Leadership (Units: 3)
  • ARP 620 - Student Affairs and Student Success (Units: 3)
  • ARP 621 - Theoretical Foundations of Student Affairs and Student Success (Units: 3)
  • ARP 622 - Intra and Interpersonal Communication for Student Success (Units: 3)
  • ARP 623 - Seminar in Critical Leadership Issues in Student Affairs (Units: 3)
  • ARP 624 - Advising and Coaching for Student Success (Units: 3)
  • ARP 747 - Equity-Minded Approaches for Student Success (Units: 3)
  • ARP 755 - Governance and Policy Development in Postsecondary and Disability Systems (Units: 3)
  • ED 690 - Methods of Inquiry (Units: 3)

Elective: 0-3 units

ARP 760 - Internship in Postsecondary Educational Leadership (Units: 1-6)
An internship beyond coursework is required of students who do not possess sufficient work experience in student affairs. Students may register in a one- or three-unit internship experience that offers opportunities teaching university courses or supports professional development in a desired functional area in student affairs. Students must consult the program’s graduate adviser before registering.

Research: 6 units

  • ED 795A - Seminar Units: 3
    ED 795B - Seminar Units: 3
  • ED 799A - Thesis (Units: 3)
    ARP 798 - Special Study Units: 3

    The Master of Arts degree in Postsecondary Educational Leadership and Student Affairs program is committed to supporting students by preparing them to:

Reflective Learning Portfolio

The culminating experience for PELSA students is the creation of a Reflective Learning Portfolio, which they construct across their time in the program to assess their learning and development. Before graduation, each student must complete and present a Reflective Learning Portfolio to provide formative evaluation of the student's experience.

Academic Plan

Fall Semester 1

  1. ARP 610 Educational Leadership (3)
  2. ARP 620 Introduction to Student Affairs in Higher Education (3)
  3.  ED 690 Methods of Inquiry (3)

Spring Semester 1

  1. ARP 621 Theoretical Foundations of Student Affairs (3)
  2. ARP 747 Equity-Minded Approaches for Student Success (3)
  3. ARP 622 Communication and Group Process in Student Affairs Leadership (3)

Fall Semester 2

  1. ARP 755 Governance & Policy Development in Postsecondary and Disability Systems (3)
  2. ED 795A Research Seminar (3) 
  3. ARP 624 Advising and Coaching for Student Success (3)

Spring Semester 2 

  1. ARP 623 Seminar: Critical Leadership Issues in Student Affairs (3)
  2. ED 795B Research Seminar (3) 


We aspire to prepare compassionate and competent educational leader-practitioners.

Program Goals

The Postsecondary Educational Leadership and Student Affairs program is committed to supporting students by preparing them to:

  1. Enter and advance in entry-level careers.
  2. Become grounded in the theoretical foundations of student learning, development, and success.
  3. Apply theory to practice to positively influence student success.
  4. Embody equity-mindedness, social justice, and mindful, compassionate leadership to transform educational contexts.

Degree Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain how the theoretical foundations of student learning, development, and success can be implemented and evaluated in daily practice (Goals 1, 2, 3, 4; courses aligned with this outcome: ARP 610, ARP 620, ARP 621, ARP 747, ARP 622, ARP 795A, ARP 760, ARP 623, ED 795B)
  2. Apply self-awareness and self-regulation practices towards one's own leadership strengths and identify areas of continued development (Goals 1, 2, 4; course aligned with this outcome: ARP610, ARP 621, ARP 624)
  3. Identify varying leadership approaches and explain strategies that facilitate meaningful and productive dialogue (Goals 1, 3, 4; courses aligned with this outcome: ARP 621, ARP 622, ARP 624, ARP 755, ARP 623)
  4. Identify student success and equity issues within postsecondary education and propose leadership strategies within the context of entry-level positions to address these issues (Goals 1, 2, 3, 4; courses aligned with this outcome: ARP 610, ARP 620, ARP 621, ARP 747, ED 690, ARP 622, ARP 624, ED 795A, ARP 760, ARP 755, ED 795B, ARP 627)
  5. Engage in meaningful outcomes-based assessment of collaboratively designed student learning and development programs and initiatives within the context of entry-level positions (Goal 1, 3; courses aligned with this outcome: ARP 621, ED 795A, ARP 760, ED 795B)
  6. Utilize scholarly literature on student success to inform practices that advance access and equity in postsecondary institutions (Goals 2, 3, 4; courses aligned with this outcome: ARP 620, ARP 621, ARP 747, ARP 622, ED 795A, ARP 760, ARP 755, ED 795B, ARP 623)
  7. Communicate ideas and concepts effectively in speaking and writing (Goals 1, 2, 3; courses aligned with this outcome: ARP 610, ARP 620, ARP 621, ARP 747, ED 690, ARP 622, ARP 624, ED 795A, ARP 760, ARP 755, ED 795B, ARP 623)
  8. Employ equity-mindedness to work collaboratively with diverse group members in diverse settings (Goals 2, 3, 4; courses aligned with this outcome: ARP 610, ARP 620, ARP 621, ARP 747, ARP 622, ARP, 624, ED 795A, ARP 760, ARP 755, ED 795B, ARP 632)

Curriculum Alignment Matrix

Key: I = Introduce; D = Develop; M = Mastery, representing the degree to which the course achieves this Program Learning Outcome

Learning Outcomes ARP 610  ARP  620 ARP 621 ARP 747 ED 690   ARP 622 ARP 624 ED 795A ARP 760 ARP 755 ED 795B ARP 623
 1 I D M D   D M M     M M
 2 D   I D   M D   I D   M
 3 D D I I   D M   I D   M
 4 I D D D I D M D D M M M
 5     D I       D     M D
 6 I D M D I D D M D D M M
7 D D M M I M M M D M M M
8 I D M M I M M M M M M M